Monday, March 3, 2008

The Weekend

My wife went to the beach this weekend for a scrap booking confrence. I know I was going to miss her so before she left I crammed my weekend with things to do so here are just a few.

I have been learning from the wise and quiet sifu(Chinese for teacher) Rich in the art of BBQ. I have a long way to go before I can even come close to his skills. Yet I smoked some pork tenderloin and brought it to the UFC fight this last weekend. Every one that had it loved it but being my worst critic I know over seasoned the meat and the smoke flavor wasn't up to par. Before I put the tenderloin on I smoked some boneless skinless sage and rosemary chicken and that was outstanding.

As of late my workouts have been nonexistent and it has slowed my weight loss journey to a turtle speed which isn't helping. What I don't like is that we don't have a reliable scale at home therefore I have decided to start going to the gym for at least once during the weekend to do cardio at least. I went on Sat morning and I have forgotten how great I feel after. I really miss the endorphins one gets from pushing yourself beyond the norm. So my weight was...(making drum roll noise)...315.7. I hope to consistently lose 2lbs at least till Nate and Nikki's wedding cause I know I am not going to be eating healthy food in vegas. I can't wait to see how I look in my new suit!

I went to the well sunday morning they talked about pornography and how it can and does destroy people. There were some very courageous people married and unmarried that opened up there lives and let us see the damage pornography can cause. I met up with my old roommates Jamin and Jeremiah at the Kennedy school sunday night. We had a great time talking about books, politics, movies, and churches I would like to burn to the ground.

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