Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
5 reasons why I love Marriage
Number 5... Companionship. Having someone with whom to talk, go places, and share trials is a priority goal for many people who are contemplating marriage. Life can be lonely when we trudge that path alone. But even the deepest sorrow can become manageable with a such a great wife by your side. Whether you work or stay home, sharing a household at night and on weekends can contribute to a sense of fulfillment in your personal and social areas.
Number 4...Romance. Sure, you can get involved with someone without tying the knot. But how meaningful is that? I have seen plenty of people "hook up" at a bar only to be dissatisfied and back next weekend looking for "love" all over again. Both parties know one or the other can give up on the relationship at a moment's notice, creating a sense of insecurity and tentativeness that many couples find uncomfortable. The respect and commitment that come with a God centered marriage can enhance the romantic value of the couple's relationship. It's fun to wake up with someone who has pledged their life to you, and vice versa. And it's great not having to worry about getting any form of an STD or feel guilty about stolen kisses or a late-night rendezvous.
Number 3...Household support. You are bound to appreciate the help you can get around the house from your spouse. After all, sharing a home means that both of you are invested in a future together. We both want clean, comfortable living space, and an attractive place where you can entertain family and friends. Sharing chores can create occasional conflict, but working through it builds individual character as well as relational unity. I can't remember the last time I clean my own laundry.
Number 2...Financial security. Most of us can financially support ourselves adequately if we have a job outside the home that pays sufficiently. But what happens when the company goes out of business or you develop a life-threatening illness that costs your job? While marrying for money is not an inspirational goal, it does help to know that within marriage, the couple can share assets and help each other through tough times, financial difficulties included.
Number 1...Accelerated Sanctification. Weather we like to admit it or not our spouse see's all or most of the sin and junk we create in our life. Having someone that is committed to see holiness produced in our life will loving point out the places in our life that need change by holding up the mirror of Gods words exposing our sin. I know that when one is single it's a lot easier to hide those places that are exposed once one is married.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
One thing...
One thing I have lost touch with and want to get back into is listening to jazz. I remember years past when I use to frequent Jimmy Mak's so much that the bouncer and bartender new me by my first name. I can't tell you how many times Thara Memory and Renato Caranto made me want to scream or they sent chills down my spine from the emotion they were spilling out. I hope to make to Jimmy Mak's sometime in the near future.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Top 10 workout songs

Now these are in no particular order just thought I would post what I listen to at the gym...
10 Click Click Pull by limp biz-kit
9 When Kenpo Strikes by Redcould
8 Jump Around by House Of Pain
7 Gonna make you sweat by C+C Music Factory
6 Stronger by Kanye west
5 Workout plan by Kanye West
4 Lose Control by Eminem
3 Numb/Encore by Jay Z
2 Eye of the tiger by Journey
1 Zion by Lauren Hill
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Smoking to the glory of God!

Here is a excerpt of Charles Spergon rebuttal to the modern day pharisees during his life condemning him for smoking cigars...
"Well, dear friends, you know that some men can do to the glory of God what to other men would be sin. And notwithstanding what brother Pentecost has said, I intend to smoke a good cigar to the glory of God before I go to bed to-night."If anybody can show me in the Bible the command, 'Thou shalt not smoke,' I am ready to keep it; but I haven't found it yet. I find ten commandments, and it's as much as I can do to keep them; and I've no desire to make them into eleven or twelve."The fact is, I have been speaking to you about real sins, not about listening to mere quibbles and scruples. At the same time, I know that what a man believes to be sin becomes a sin to him, and he must give it up. 'Whatsoever is not of faith is sin' [Rom. 14:23], and that is the real point of what my brother Pentecost has been saying."Why, a man may think it a sin to have his boots blacked. Well, then, let him give it up, and have them whitewashed. I wish to say that I'm not ashamed of anything whatever that I do, and I don't feel that smoking makes me ashamed, and therefore I mean to smoke to the glory of God."
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
From John Pipers blog....Test Revival with Doctrine
Lee Grady, the editor of Charisma, one of the main charismatic magazines, has written a lament and critique of the Lakeland “revival” which is now in a tailspin over the leader's announced separation from his wife. Grady’s summons to pray for the church and and our nation is right, and among his commendable questions and observations are these:
* "Many of us would rather watch a noisy demonstration of miracles, signs and wonders than have a quiet Bible study. Yet we are faced today with the sad reality that our untempered zeal is a sign of immaturity. Our adolescent craving for the wild and crazy makes us do stupid things. It’s way past time for us to grow up."
* "True revival will be accompanied by brokenness, humility, reverence and repentance—not the arrogance, showmanship and empty hype that often was on display in Lakeland."
* "A prominent Pentecostal evangelist called me this week after Bentley’s news hit the fan. He said to me: “I’m now convinced that a large segment of the charismatic church will follow the anti-Christ when he shows up because they have no discernment.” Ouch. Hopefully we’ll learn our lesson this time and apply the necessary caution when an imposter shows up."
Charismatics will not be the only ones who follow the Antichrist when he rises. So will the mass of those who today in thousands of evangelical churches belittle the truth of biblical doctrine as God’s agent to set us free (John 8:32).
Discernment is not created in God’s people by brokenness, humility, reverence, and repentance. It is created by biblical truth and the application of truth by the power of the Holy Spirit to our hearts and minds. When that happens, then the brokenness, humility, reverence, and repentance will have the strong fiber of the full counsel of God in them. They will be profoundly Christian and not merely religious and emotional and psychological.
The common denominator of those who follow the Antichrist will not be “charismatic” it will be, as Paul says, “they refused to love the truth.”
The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)
Our test for every Lakeland that comes along should first be doctrinal and expositional. Is this awakening carried along by a “love for the truth” and a passion to hear the whole counsel of God proclaimed?
* "Many of us would rather watch a noisy demonstration of miracles, signs and wonders than have a quiet Bible study. Yet we are faced today with the sad reality that our untempered zeal is a sign of immaturity. Our adolescent craving for the wild and crazy makes us do stupid things. It’s way past time for us to grow up."
* "True revival will be accompanied by brokenness, humility, reverence and repentance—not the arrogance, showmanship and empty hype that often was on display in Lakeland."
* "A prominent Pentecostal evangelist called me this week after Bentley’s news hit the fan. He said to me: “I’m now convinced that a large segment of the charismatic church will follow the anti-Christ when he shows up because they have no discernment.” Ouch. Hopefully we’ll learn our lesson this time and apply the necessary caution when an imposter shows up."
Charismatics will not be the only ones who follow the Antichrist when he rises. So will the mass of those who today in thousands of evangelical churches belittle the truth of biblical doctrine as God’s agent to set us free (John 8:32).
Discernment is not created in God’s people by brokenness, humility, reverence, and repentance. It is created by biblical truth and the application of truth by the power of the Holy Spirit to our hearts and minds. When that happens, then the brokenness, humility, reverence, and repentance will have the strong fiber of the full counsel of God in them. They will be profoundly Christian and not merely religious and emotional and psychological.
The common denominator of those who follow the Antichrist will not be “charismatic” it will be, as Paul says, “they refused to love the truth.”
The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)
Our test for every Lakeland that comes along should first be doctrinal and expositional. Is this awakening carried along by a “love for the truth” and a passion to hear the whole counsel of God proclaimed?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Reason #268 to hate Starsucks (Starbucks)

I tried finding a coffee shop or even a cafe in Wilsonville today, but I couldn't find one not a single one. What I did find was a few great coffee shops and cafe's that use to be in Wilsonville until Starsucks put them out of business. I know I should be more enraged with the simple minded ,got to have it NOW people who enjoy bad coffee, are addicted to caffeine,tons of sugar,and want to look cool with there starsucks cup but they are everywhere...Starsucks has monopolized the cafe's in Wilsonville! I am thinking about watching the movie Fight Club and taking notes...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Steam Room!

I have really been enjoying the steam room at the gym lately... I love feeling the intense heat and my tired muscles relax from the steam. I have searched the internet to find some great health benefits to inspire you to try it out!
Studies showed that the steam room helped with Bronchial asthma, bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, coughs, hoarseness, expectoration, non-acute rheumatic complaints and restricted or painful movements of the joints. The steam room is also beneficial for people suffering from Sleeping disorders, poor skin circulation, dry, chapped skin, muscular tension, muscular weakness in the subcutaneous blood vessels, and sensitivity to sudden changes of temperature.
Another great advantage of the steam bath is in its highly beneficial effect on the skin. The moist heat stimulates the subcutaneous blood flow and cleanses the skin intensively, opening the pores, removing dead skin and impurities and leaving the skin feeling soft, clean and smooth.
Friday, August 8, 2008
The pursit of God and AW Tozer.

I have recently been rereading The pursuit of God by AW Tozer and agian it is very inspiring and encouraging to me. AW Tozer is by far one of my favorite Christian authors! If you looking for something that will bring you closer to God with love and conviction first read the bible and then read Tozer. Here is just one sentence from the book...
Social Religion is perfected when private religion is purified!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
On the hunt...
I am searching far and wide for someone to workout with me at the willsonville Bally's at 5am Monday through Friday. If you know of anyone that lives in the area and needs a workout partner please let them know. Thanks...
Friday, August 1, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Health and Work Update!
I recently applied to work at JDH( A youth corrections facility) and was denied due to the fact that I don't have a two year degree even though I volunteered there for about 4 years. I now have decided to start applying around the state to work in adult corrections thus I have to pass a physical fitness test called ORPAT to work in any adult correction facility. I don't know at this point if I am physicality capable to pass this test in the condition I am currently in. Therefore I am putting myself through a boot camp which consists of working out or doing something to get my heart rate up three times a day. I want to see at least 3 inches drop off of my waist before Christmas. I have been struggling for the last few months with losing weight... I guess the body gets tired after dropping 140lbs! Yet I refuse let my body plateau any longer and like Paul the apostle said "I discipline my body and make it my slave" I am putting myself on a new regimen of working out 3 times a day which consist of heavy lifting in the morning, physio ball core training before lunch, and some form of martial arts training at night whether it's hitting the heavy bag or doing tai chi to get my heart rate up. I am going to apply with OYA and try to work at the Mclairn facility in Woodburn since it is so close to my house. I am also going to apply at the Tony's hookah lounge just up the street from where I am currently working so I can get a little extra spending money and pay off debt faster,plus free hookah stuff!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Rocco... The Funny Man!
So those of you who don't know there is a boondock saints sequel movie in production. I will be posting everything I find on the web pertaining to this movie.
So those of you who don't know there is a boondock saints sequel movie in production. I will be posting everything I find on the web pertaining to this movie.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Old Hebrew wisdom...
I love the book of proverbs and have recently been studying it. I am going to review each chapter and post my thoughts when I am done. I am going to start with an introduction to proverbs before I jump into to the book. It only seems fitting the some of the smartest men that has ever lived and one of the most beloved books of the bible is written in a different poetic forms. Hebrew poetry is not based on rhyme or meter, but on rhythm and parallelism let me explain. The forms are broken down into four different poetic forms: synonymous parallelism, antithetical parallelism ,emblematic parallelism, and finally synthetic parallelism. If you want and explenation for each just click on the link.
WHO WROTE THE BOOK OF PROVERBS? Well most people think it was all King Solomon who penned the entire book but people have been debating forever who wrote the book of proverbs. During the reign of Solomon it was often the custom to place the name of the King or someone of prominence in writings in order to honor them, or to give those writings more prestige.Not only are the names "Agur" and "Lemuel" linked to other sections of the book, there are elements of disunity within the book that suggest more than one author. Some of the authorship is attributed to "Men of Hezekiah", though it is stated that they simply transcribed the proverbs rather than writing them of their own accord.
WHEN WAS PROVERBS WRITTEN? Dates for the writing of the book are also unclear. Due to the suggested authorship of Solomon and the collaboration of Hezekiah’s men there are some dates that can be worked with. However there are not enough to give specific timing to the completion of the book though it could have been as late as third century BC
WHAT IS THE THEME OF PROVERBS? The book of Proverbs can be linked to Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction." This theme of centrality of the knowledge of God runs through the entirety of the book. The instructions that are given, although they are for everyday circumstances, allude to humankind’s uprightness before God. The thought pattern that the reverence and respect for God in all circumstances brings true knowledge is encouraged in this book. The book centers on the willingness to learn as important. God’s people were brought into the belief that God’s law is something that is part of life and is a duty, and this required obedience. Proverbs calls this kind of obedience the love of the Lord. This obligation, which is similar to the knowledge of God that they had from the prophetic books, involves reverence, gratitude, and commitment to do the will of God in every circumstance. The main goal of Proverbs is to define clearly what it means to be fully devoted to God’s will and seeing his will accomplished in this world.
WHO WROTE THE BOOK OF PROVERBS? Well most people think it was all King Solomon who penned the entire book but people have been debating forever who wrote the book of proverbs. During the reign of Solomon it was often the custom to place the name of the King or someone of prominence in writings in order to honor them, or to give those writings more prestige.Not only are the names "Agur" and "Lemuel" linked to other sections of the book, there are elements of disunity within the book that suggest more than one author. Some of the authorship is attributed to "Men of Hezekiah", though it is stated that they simply transcribed the proverbs rather than writing them of their own accord.
WHEN WAS PROVERBS WRITTEN? Dates for the writing of the book are also unclear. Due to the suggested authorship of Solomon and the collaboration of Hezekiah’s men there are some dates that can be worked with. However there are not enough to give specific timing to the completion of the book though it could have been as late as third century BC
WHAT IS THE THEME OF PROVERBS? The book of Proverbs can be linked to Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction." This theme of centrality of the knowledge of God runs through the entirety of the book. The instructions that are given, although they are for everyday circumstances, allude to humankind’s uprightness before God. The thought pattern that the reverence and respect for God in all circumstances brings true knowledge is encouraged in this book. The book centers on the willingness to learn as important. God’s people were brought into the belief that God’s law is something that is part of life and is a duty, and this required obedience. Proverbs calls this kind of obedience the love of the Lord. This obligation, which is similar to the knowledge of God that they had from the prophetic books, involves reverence, gratitude, and commitment to do the will of God in every circumstance. The main goal of Proverbs is to define clearly what it means to be fully devoted to God’s will and seeing his will accomplished in this world.
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Sunlight creeps in
I open my eyes and see
The way God made thee
Please don't wear make up
You cover up the very
thing that I wake for
I open my eyes and see
The way God made thee
Please don't wear make up
You cover up the very
thing that I wake for
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
Romantic at Heart
I love being married... For those of you how really know me know I am a lover not a fighter...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Hurray for the Supreme Court!

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court says Americans have a right to own guns for self-defense and hunting, the justices' first major pronouncement on gun rights in U.S. history.
The court's 5-4 ruling strikes down the District of Columbia's 32-year-old ban on handguns as incompatible with gun rights under the Second Amendment. The decision goes further than even the Bush administration wanted, but probably leaves most firearms laws intact.
The court had not conclusively interpreted the Second Amendment since its ratification in 1791. The amendment reads: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
The basic issue for the justices was whether the amendment protects an individual's right to own guns no matter what, or whether that right is somehow tied to service in a state militia.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Did you know?
I played the trombone for about a decade... Here is the late great JJ Johnson playing the tune My funny Valentine.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Well after coming back from the cove camping trip I stepped on the scaled and it read 315! Holy crap...remain calm... Now I was at the gym and I had my workout close on. I normally weight myself at home in the morning butt naked. Yet I don't think that adding clothes plus a different scale could add up to 15lbs. I know I haven't been working out at all like I should, until yesterday! I feel very sore today from blasting my chest last night. I really miss the good aches and pains of building muscle and can't wait to start lifting heavy again. Here's to the pain that feels o so good...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Nate & Nikki PALOOZA

This weekend was great and tiresome... I started a new book, eat great food, smoked great cigars, drank good whiskey, and hung out with my wife and great friends. It was great getting to know Ben, Crystal, and Jill. Beth and I helped with the prep for the hungry campers which was tiring at times but great so see people happy from the great food Rich had made. I had some great time sitting by myself reading and just thinking about life.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Johnathan Edwards+John Piper= Deep thoughts
I was listening to John Piper today talk to a group of pastors about the theology of Johnathan Edwards and a single question kept running around in my head.
Who among you labors to know Christ? This has left me speechless...
More importantly...Do I labor to know Christ? God Help me...
Who among you labors to know Christ? This has left me speechless...
More importantly...Do I labor to know Christ? God Help me...
Monday, June 2, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
My Top Ten Weight Loss Rules!
10 Drink more water... I have found out that most of the time when I thought I was hungry I was really just thirsty.
9 Keep away from the scale... So many of us set ourselves up for failure by our daily disappointment by what we think we should be losing instead our body know what is healthy for us.
8 Keep active... I can't believe how many hours I have sat on my butt zoning out to TV,movies, video games. Start a hobby or sport you like doing that keeps you moving.
7 Start Resistance Training... What most people don't realize is the more muscle you have the more fat,carbohydrates, your body burns. You don't have to go to the gym to and rub elbows with muscle heads, you don't even need any equipment. Start a bodyweight workout right now!
6 Keep a journal... Many of us don't realize how much we eat and how little we workout. Start keeping track of your workout progress instead of looking at the scale everyday!
5 Get smaller plates and cups... It may seem silly but it works. You will dish less food if the plate is smaller.
4 Slow down while eat... This is a big struggle I am constantly learning. I eat in front of the TV which is a big no no, and I inhale my food. It takes about 20 to 25 minutes before my body even registers that I have eaten something.
3 Pool motivation from everywhere... I use tons of things around my to keep me on track ie people, books, the internet, and some tv shows.
2 Eat good calories and good carbohydrates... You must stop polluting your body with garbage. A general rule I have is if you can't pronounce it you shouldn't eat it. I eat mostly white meat and dark greens. I cut out bad carbohydrates like bread,rice, and potatoes.
1 Find out "WHY" you eat... Most of us don't like to admit it but we are emotional eaters. I have to battle my past "issues" and look at what causes me to want to put on more weight. This is and never will be easy for me but I must get a grips on the reason I over eat cause being over weight is like slowly committing suicide and it doesn't fix anything.
9 Keep away from the scale... So many of us set ourselves up for failure by our daily disappointment by what we think we should be losing instead our body know what is healthy for us.
8 Keep active... I can't believe how many hours I have sat on my butt zoning out to TV,movies, video games. Start a hobby or sport you like doing that keeps you moving.
7 Start Resistance Training... What most people don't realize is the more muscle you have the more fat,carbohydrates, your body burns. You don't have to go to the gym to and rub elbows with muscle heads, you don't even need any equipment. Start a bodyweight workout right now!
6 Keep a journal... Many of us don't realize how much we eat and how little we workout. Start keeping track of your workout progress instead of looking at the scale everyday!
5 Get smaller plates and cups... It may seem silly but it works. You will dish less food if the plate is smaller.
4 Slow down while eat... This is a big struggle I am constantly learning. I eat in front of the TV which is a big no no, and I inhale my food. It takes about 20 to 25 minutes before my body even registers that I have eaten something.
3 Pool motivation from everywhere... I use tons of things around my to keep me on track ie people, books, the internet, and some tv shows.
2 Eat good calories and good carbohydrates... You must stop polluting your body with garbage. A general rule I have is if you can't pronounce it you shouldn't eat it. I eat mostly white meat and dark greens. I cut out bad carbohydrates like bread,rice, and potatoes.
1 Find out "WHY" you eat... Most of us don't like to admit it but we are emotional eaters. I have to battle my past "issues" and look at what causes me to want to put on more weight. This is and never will be easy for me but I must get a grips on the reason I over eat cause being over weight is like slowly committing suicide and it doesn't fix anything.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Look out forest here comes the Adams!

Beth and I have been slowing piecing together camping equipment for the summer season. We went for the first time last year and had a blast. I have fond memories of camping when I was a in a kid and I am looking forward to making new ones in the future. We picked up a Coleman 8 person tent that I can stand up in for 50 buck on costco.com last week. I can't wait to brush up on all my boy scout tricks this summer. If you want to go camping this summer let me know!
Friday, May 2, 2008
How do you spell relief?

To my dismay I have successfully brought back my ulcers... I smoked like a chimney, drank like a fish, and ate like a cow when I was in Vegas. Due to the constant hammering of my stomach lining I have been in some serious pain. I have put myself back on the medicine from the gods aka Prilosec and I think I might be taking it for the rest of my life. Talk about making me feel old. I hoped to have waited on taking pills till I was sixty! I guess you have to make sacrifices when you want to enjoy the finer things in life.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Superbowl+Poetry= Slam Poetry
What is Slam poetry you ask? Slam poetry is a postmodern performance poetry, a form of spoken word that is given scores based on content and performance. I fell in love with this form of poetry after seeing the movie Slam which the main character does an awesome job preforming some of my favorite pieces he has written. I remember gowning up going to school and dreading my English class every day because we where reading the classic poems. Now don't get me wrong I love all the classics but you don't start feeding a baby steak you give him or her milk. Not to say that slam poetry is the milk of poetry ,but I bet if they thought slam poetry in school it would awaken a generation of poets. So here are some of my favorite slam performances. I must warn you slam poetry is not polite, clean or nice.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Well well this morning I stepped on the scale and I am finally under 300lbs. I thought I would be more excited, happy, and proud of myself but I am not and I don't know why. I guess should have been more in every moment of losing weight rather than looking toward the goal so when I got there it would be so bland. I mean don't get me wrong I love it that I am getting healthier and looking better...I guess I just wanted more emotion from myself when the time came. So from here on out I am going to rejoice about every pound of fat that I lose and be happy with every pound of muscle I put on. Look out 297 your about to get dropped...
Friday, April 18, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008

VEGAS was Outstanding! Nate and Nikki's wedding was classy,crazy and a memory that I will never forget! They say what happens in vegas stay in vegas but that didn't happen for me. I dove head first into a three foot lazy river thinking it was 6 feet deep and came out with a nasty mark on my head and feeling dizzy. We spent most of our time at the pool drinking fruit blended cocktails, smoking cigars and hanging out with friends. One the funniest moments was when I was walking to a casino at about 2am and I saw two women wearing hot pick wigs and some very strange outfits. As they got closer I over heard one of them stay to they other " I can't wait to get back to our hotel room so I can wash my hands and the inside of my thighs". I feel grossed out but then started laughing uncontrollably.
Some of my most memorable moments:
Going to Xtreme Couture with Shaion and getting lost on the way there
Fremont street watching the light show and teaching beth how to play blackjack
Relaxing in our hotel sitting in our jacuzzi bathtub that fit both beth and I Yea baby!
Eating whatever I wanted
Smoking 12 cigars in about 4 days
Watching beth experiencing Vegas and it's awesomeness for the fist time!
Seeing my good friend Sammy baumer
Going to the Playboy club and the moon club and seeing the detail that the designers put into it
Stripping and having money thrown at me so nate and nikki could have money for there honeymoon
Monday, March 31, 2008
Fashion show and a house party?

This week was fashion week in Portland. When I was single I subscribed to all the mens fashion mags and kept up to date on what was Hot! I didn't like the clothes at all now I am not claiming to know everything about fashion but I know people who do and they said gave the clothes a thumbs down. The sad part is the clothes looked way better than the dj sounded. You are NOT a DJ if you only bring your Mac computer! The only saving grace was I saw Sam and Nicole who are some of my favorite people. I happen to catch the bartender filling Monarch vodka into kettle one bottles...LAME! I didn't have any room to move and had stupid skinny "bitches" rubbing up against me. DAM...I can't stand boney asses. I retreated to a dark laundry room to get away from the horrific DJ and the 120 plus people that were crammed like sardines into that house. The house was right by university of Portland so when I walked in of course there was minors drinking. I knew it was time to leave when I saw some one walk in with a 40oz of malt liquor. I heard through the grapevine that about 20 minutes after we left the police showed up. I am glad we only stayed for about an hour.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Aaaarrrhhh Chooo

So I have been sick the past few days... I have been through about 2 boxes of Kleenex and various drugs.I need to get better before VEGAS! Beth has been taking good care of me by making me low carb soup, fluffing the pillows, making sure I have every thing I needed to get better she is the best! I had a great time with Nate and the boys this weekend for his bachelor party!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
My Wife!

I want to take a moment to school all of you who haven't had the privilege to get to know my wife! She is without a doubt the most elegant, gorgeous, charming, intelligent, caring woman who has ever lived! I have had the honor of being her husband for 306 days,11 hours,3 min and counting. I must tell you I have never had so much fun in my life! People always say how they get married and everything slows down and you get board and... Well I for one have NO idea what those people are talking about beth is making my life a living HEAVEN! She exudes sexy all the time! I can't tell you how many times I have come home from work with a candle lit dinner with her wearing sultry unmentionables and then waking up in the morning to her making breakfast in just my shirt DAM! Who knew marriage could be so AWESOME!
She is the most organized person I know dare I bring up the wedding folder.I need someone in my life to help me keep things straight! I remember when I was single I would schedule to hang out with two different people at two different place at the same time. She as helped me remember my calendar and not have to cancel on people last minute.
She loves taking care of people... She does it for work for Pete sakes. Who would want to clean up after people when then make messes all the time not to mention there bodily fluids but My wife does! She even keeps in contact with people after they have lost there loved ones. She doesn't get paid anything for that she doesn't out of the goodness of her heart!
Beth has been through some very horrible things in her life but she has taken the time to pick herself back up and press on forgiving those who have hurt her. She will be the first to admit that she is not perfect including making some bad choices in her life ,but she has worked through them and it has made her more resilient and tough as nails. I couldn't have a wife who would fold when times were tough.
One of the most important things Beth has personally done for me is that she has lovingly opened my eyes to see the things in my life that aren't so rosy and been with me to walk through them one step at a time.I can't wait to see what kind of man I will become because of her love for me!
She also is an amazing cook... She has made my weight loss journey soo much easier because she can make anything low carb but not only that it tastes fantastic. I have had times in my life where I have lost weight and put it back on ,but because of my wife she has encouraged me to stick with it. She is the best cheerleader in the world. Anytime I feel sad, mad or I am not good enough it only takes a few moments with her and I feel like I could beat up superman! She is the best thing on this earth that has ever happened to me! Her worth to me is priceless and I thank God everyday that she is in my life!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
MMA and Kung Fu Movies
I am so glad to see that MMA has changed the old style "kung fu" movies. I still love the wire work and the infamous death touch but with cheer I welcome the mix martial arts style in martial art movies. I found this on youtube today and had to share it. Best fight scene ever
Monday, March 17, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Drinking+Extreme Home Make Over+Shotguns= My weekend
I called in sick on Thursday from the lack of sleep or a least the quality of sleep I have been getting lately due to my shoulder injury so my weekend started early...YES! I wish I could say that the weekend was very relaxing and I rested my shoulder all weekend but that was not the case. Friday I bbq a beef tenderloin to take over to beth's parents house for a snack before we headed out for drinks at a local bar/restaurant. We had a great time but some of us had way too much to drink or as they put it "my over flow value is turning on". After we got back to the house Rich (my father-n-law) and I sat on the front porch smoked cigars and talk about his catering business he dreams of starting up some day. I really enjoyed the time on the porch even though it wasn't very long. I am very great full that he has taken me under his wing and has been slowly teaching how to turn everyday bbqing in to a form of art. Beth and I stayed the night at her parents house and left in the morning to meet my siblings to help them finish remodeling in the kitchen before my mother comes back from Scotland on Tuesday.I really wish we would have taken some before and after shots so I could post them...sorry. I wasn't very much help cause of my shoulder injury but it was fun none the less to have the fam all together working to bless my parents. I think we finally went to bed around 1 am after we got the first coat of primer and paint done. We had a few deaths in the family because we didn't ventilate the house enough and the paint fumes got to 3 of my moms birds. Sunday we woke up to breakfast in bed that beth had made for everyone(she is the best). After we finish with the last coat of paint and putting some of the furniture back in the kitchen we celebrated Philip's birthday (my brother-n-law) by pulling out the guns and destroying clay pigeons. Sunday night after everyone finally left the house beth and I had some time to ourselves, she took a long needed nap because she work the hardest this weekend and I bbq two pork tenderloins. I am really enjoying getting to know the tao of bbq. I didn't get a chance to make it out to the gym at all this weekend to weight myself. I will try to get there sometime this week! I hate it that my shoulder isn't 100% grrr...
brithday party,
Thursday, March 6, 2008
No pain No Gain?
I have been getting back into martial arts and have been loving it. I train at one of the best gyms in the Portland metro area Impact Jiu-Jitsu. Many fighters that come out of this gym are ranked number one in the local MMA scene. Last night I was thrown and landed on my shoulder when I hit the mat I heard and felt a small pop. I was sparring so I thought my arm can still move so keep going. Well I was awakened in the middle of the night from the pain in my shoulder. Keep in mind this was after taking a handful of pain meds before bed. Before getting back into martial arts I knew that I was eventually going to injure something. I just didn't think I would be so soon. It's really really frustrating to me that my body isn't as durable like it use to be when I was 18. It has been great getting to wrestle again. I plan on getting into competitions in a year of so if not sooner. I don't think I will get into any MMA bouts cause I don't like getting punched in the face but I am training MMA to shed more pounds off.
Monday, March 3, 2008
The Weekend
My wife went to the beach this weekend for a scrap booking confrence. I know I was going to miss her so before she left I crammed my weekend with things to do so here are just a few.
I have been learning from the wise and quiet sifu(Chinese for teacher) Rich in the art of BBQ. I have a long way to go before I can even come close to his skills. Yet I smoked some pork tenderloin and brought it to the UFC fight this last weekend. Every one that had it loved it but being my worst critic I know over seasoned the meat and the smoke flavor wasn't up to par. Before I put the tenderloin on I smoked some boneless skinless sage and rosemary chicken and that was outstanding.
As of late my workouts have been nonexistent and it has slowed my weight loss journey to a turtle speed which isn't helping. What I don't like is that we don't have a reliable scale at home therefore I have decided to start going to the gym for at least once during the weekend to do cardio at least. I went on Sat morning and I have forgotten how great I feel after. I really miss the endorphins one gets from pushing yourself beyond the norm. So my weight was...(making drum roll noise)...315.7. I hope to consistently lose 2lbs at least till Nate and Nikki's wedding cause I know I am not going to be eating healthy food in vegas. I can't wait to see how I look in my new suit!
I went to the well sunday morning they talked about pornography and how it can and does destroy people. There were some very courageous people married and unmarried that opened up there lives and let us see the damage pornography can cause. I met up with my old roommates Jamin and Jeremiah at the Kennedy school sunday night. We had a great time talking about books, politics, movies, and churches I would like to burn to the ground.
I have been learning from the wise and quiet sifu(Chinese for teacher) Rich in the art of BBQ. I have a long way to go before I can even come close to his skills. Yet I smoked some pork tenderloin and brought it to the UFC fight this last weekend. Every one that had it loved it but being my worst critic I know over seasoned the meat and the smoke flavor wasn't up to par. Before I put the tenderloin on I smoked some boneless skinless sage and rosemary chicken and that was outstanding.
As of late my workouts have been nonexistent and it has slowed my weight loss journey to a turtle speed which isn't helping. What I don't like is that we don't have a reliable scale at home therefore I have decided to start going to the gym for at least once during the weekend to do cardio at least. I went on Sat morning and I have forgotten how great I feel after. I really miss the endorphins one gets from pushing yourself beyond the norm. So my weight was...(making drum roll noise)...315.7. I hope to consistently lose 2lbs at least till Nate and Nikki's wedding cause I know I am not going to be eating healthy food in vegas. I can't wait to see how I look in my new suit!
I went to the well sunday morning they talked about pornography and how it can and does destroy people. There were some very courageous people married and unmarried that opened up there lives and let us see the damage pornography can cause. I met up with my old roommates Jamin and Jeremiah at the Kennedy school sunday night. We had a great time talking about books, politics, movies, and churches I would like to burn to the ground.
Abuse Counselor
I spot violence
Your eyes are longing to shout
Tears are loud enough
Between tears and cheek
I found the cell you are in
Let me be your key
Your eyes are longing to shout
Tears are loud enough
Between tears and cheek
I found the cell you are in
Let me be your key
Friday, February 29, 2008
Grave digging?
I have been so blessed this last year that I have been able to loose about 130lbs. I have been glued to the show biggest looser on NBC. I have been noticing that in this season they have been showing the contestants past pain and how that has cause them to be obese. I will never forget when Paul Marks opend up and talked about what his father called "sessions". I have been asking myself as of late "why" I have let myself get to 430lbs. About a decade ago I lost around a hundred pounds but like most people who struggle with their weight I put all of it back on plus more in the next year or so. I remember as the weight started dropping women started to check me out and this left me feeling unsafe and dirty. My parents are amazing and my childhood was filled with love and care yet like a lot of people I was also subject to sexual and physical abuse. Therefore I now know that eating was a coping mechanism to keep me feeling safe. Women don't never wanted to "check me out" cause I was fat and No man wants to fight with someone who out weights them by 200lbs. As the weight slowly falls off me I am starting to feel the security of my size leave. Now I am not from the camp that thinks that going to see a psychiatrists of no value. I think it is out right stupid not to go to the ER if you cut your leg off and not go to the psychiatrist if you are ever emotionally traumatized. I have been to see counselors and there are great if you get a good one. I thought I "worked through" my past pain and "issues" but I guess losing this weight has cause me to start grave digging into my past. I love it that I am married and don't even think twice about what women are thinking cause I have the best woman ever who loves me for me even when I did weight 430lbs. My question is I guess how do I get over this insecurity? I wrote a haiku for what I have been feeling lately.
F-ree from comfort food
A-ll security is gone
T-riumphs are acrid
F-ree from comfort food
A-ll security is gone
T-riumphs are acrid
phsical abuse. trama.,
sexual abuse,
weight loss
UFC 82
Anderson Silva vs Dan Henderson
I was disappointed to see Dan get mopped the last time these two fighters collided. I wrestled for many years and if there's one thing I know about wrestlers it is that they HATE losing and Never give up. I know Dan went back to the gym and worked his ass off to get his revenge on spider. I am going to have to go with Dan with a knockout not only because I must support the local boy but no one would expect for him to knock Anderson out. I will be enjoying some buffalo Trace Bourbon and a Brazil CAO cigar.
I was disappointed to see Dan get mopped the last time these two fighters collided. I wrestled for many years and if there's one thing I know about wrestlers it is that they HATE losing and Never give up. I know Dan went back to the gym and worked his ass off to get his revenge on spider. I am going to have to go with Dan with a knockout not only because I must support the local boy but no one would expect for him to knock Anderson out. I will be enjoying some buffalo Trace Bourbon and a Brazil CAO cigar.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Me +John Q
I am very angry at Kaiser Permenenta right now. My baby sister has been sick for 25 days and she is at the point where blood is coming out of her nose and mouth. She had been to see the doctor at kaiser 5 times and they only let her see the nurse. I think megan and philp are to nice so they keep passing her off to someone else and thats not getting the job done! I would like to go down there reenact the movie John Q so my little sister can get the care that she need. They keep sending her home and saying she was going to be ok but to come back. The nurse asked her at her last appointment if she had been driving and the got mad when megan said yes even though no one told her not to drive and said she would be ok but to come back. WTF! How can you get mad at someone for the problem you are suppose to fix. There is a silver lining here my sister works at ainsworth elementary which is an expensive school and one of her kids father is the head cardiologist at OHSU and has been calling megan every night to see how she is doing. I can't stand how western medicine has shifted from putting a band aid on the problem rather than fixing what causes it. It's no wonder doctors and nurses call what they do there "practice"...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Smoke yourself THIN
So I started a weight loss video blog last night on metcafe. I will be talking about my "issues" with food and how I have lost over 100lbs. Come check me out....
click here
click here
Friday, February 22, 2008
Last days of wasting haze
I still my busy mind meandering, maliciously though
moments of malnourished muse
Waiting for something that won't falsh burn my poetry
tired of forced words trying to speak worlds with just a few syllables
Looking to see who I can please only to find myself bankrupt of ryhmes rhythm and reason
Wanting to stand on the shoulders of giants only to find myself trappled by my own two beats
My heart afraid to pump what is inside out. Afraid that words like insecure, fat, lonely and you might come out.
My heart bleeds silent tears of misguided emotions yearning to rain truth
spoken on open palms not grasping for more appluse which fades like static
Thursday, February 21, 2008
How to play and the origins of the "question game"
So many of you know and played what I like to call the "question game". It's a great way to get to know people really really fast. I have deepened my relationship and started new ones all because of this "game". A long time ago I was going to the beach with two friends, both of which I knew really well but they hardly knew each other. Well an hour or so into the drive I said lets play a game called "the question game" they said what is the question game(which is a normal response). I said there are some simple and easy rules to this game:
1 You can ask any question you want to anyone in the car
2 The person getting ask doesn't have to answer (they can pass)
3 You must tell the truth
4 A person asks a question after he or she answers then her or she may ask the next question
5 What is said is never I repeat never to be told to anyone else
After years of playing I have heard some odd and very thought provoking answers. A few years ago I hurt someones feeling by laughing at there answer so I made a 5th rule... No matter how silly, stupid or unrealistic the answer of the person answering his or her question you can't laugh. Yes I know this is just like truth or dare without the dare but now that we are all adults and our minds are more developed. We don't need to lick ice cold flag poles to have fun!
1 You can ask any question you want to anyone in the car
2 The person getting ask doesn't have to answer (they can pass)
3 You must tell the truth
4 A person asks a question after he or she answers then her or she may ask the next question
5 What is said is never I repeat never to be told to anyone else
After years of playing I have heard some odd and very thought provoking answers. A few years ago I hurt someones feeling by laughing at there answer so I made a 5th rule... No matter how silly, stupid or unrealistic the answer of the person answering his or her question you can't laugh. Yes I know this is just like truth or dare without the dare but now that we are all adults and our minds are more developed. We don't need to lick ice cold flag poles to have fun!
Virgin Post
My wife has encouraged me to start a blog a few days ago so here is my first post. I want to warn you that I will be shooting from the hip and adult content could come up. I used to journal all the time but as of late haven't found the time so here is my attempt to get back into writing. I will be posting haiku's or poems every Friday or Monday so make sure to swing by.
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