I want to take a moment to school all of you who haven't had the privilege to get to know my wife! She is without a doubt the most elegant, gorgeous, charming, intelligent, caring woman who has ever lived! I have had the honor of being her husband for 306 days,11 hours,3 min and counting. I must tell you I have never had so much fun in my life! People always say how they get married and everything slows down and you get board and... Well I for one have NO idea what those people are talking about beth is making my life a living HEAVEN! She exudes sexy all the time! I can't tell you how many times I have come home from work with a candle lit dinner with her wearing sultry unmentionables and then waking up in the morning to her making breakfast in just my shirt DAM! Who knew marriage could be so AWESOME!
She is the most organized person I know dare I bring up the wedding folder.I need someone in my life to help me keep things straight! I remember when I was single I would schedule to hang out with two different people at two different place at the same time. She as helped me remember my calendar and not have to cancel on people last minute.
She loves taking care of people... She does it for work for Pete sakes. Who would want to clean up after people when then make messes all the time not to mention there bodily fluids but My wife does! She even keeps in contact with people after they have lost there loved ones. She doesn't get paid anything for that she doesn't out of the goodness of her heart!
Beth has been through some very horrible things in her life but she has taken the time to pick herself back up and press on forgiving those who have hurt her. She will be the first to admit that she is not perfect including making some bad choices in her life ,but she has worked through them and it has made her more resilient and tough as nails. I couldn't have a wife who would fold when times were tough.
One of the most important things Beth has personally done for me is that she has lovingly opened my eyes to see the things in my life that aren't so rosy and been with me to walk through them one step at a time.I can't wait to see what kind of man I will become because of her love for me!
She also is an amazing cook... She has made my weight loss journey soo much easier because she can make anything low carb but not only that it tastes fantastic. I have had times in my life where I have lost weight and put it back on ,but because of my wife she has encouraged me to stick with it. She is the best cheerleader in the world. Anytime I feel sad, mad or I am not good enough it only takes a few moments with her and I feel like I could beat up superman! She is the best thing on this earth that has ever happened to me! Her worth to me is priceless and I thank God everyday that she is in my life!
1 comment:
ok, Jake, I love this post. I am so glad that that you and Beth have found each other. And let me tell you, even if things do get hard, which will most likely happen if you're planning on being married for the rest of your lives, It won't matter , because you guys have the best foundation, Christ, at the center of your marriage. With Him, you'll get through anything, and grow even closer, through it. We love you guys. Beth
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