Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Superbowl+Poetry= Slam Poetry

What is Slam poetry you ask? Slam poetry is a postmodern performance poetry, a form of spoken word that is given scores based on content and performance. I fell in love with this form of poetry after seeing the movie Slam which the main character does an awesome job preforming some of my favorite pieces he has written. I remember gowning up going to school and dreading my English class every day because we where reading the classic poems. Now don't get me wrong I love all the classics but you don't start feeding a baby steak you give him or her milk. Not to say that slam poetry is the milk of poetry ,but I bet if they thought slam poetry in school it would awaken a generation of poets. So here are some of my favorite slam performances. I must warn you slam poetry is not polite, clean or nice.

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